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Stenocarpus Sinuatus

Price : 2.29 €  / 10 Seeds


Stenocarpus Sinuatus Seeds

Stenocarpus sinuatus, the Fire Wheel Tree belongs to the family of the Protaceae. Most are found in New Caledonia and there are about 7 species native to Australia. Stenocarpus sinuatus occurs in nature as a tree to about 30 metres but it is usually smaller in cultivation, about 10 meters tall, particularly in cooler areas. It is one of Australia's most spectacular trees. It makes an excellent container plant for indoor use.

The Firewheel tree takes its name from the configuration and colour of the inflorescences in which the small flowers have a wheel-like arrangement. It blooms intermittently in Summer through to Autumn. The bright red flowers are each up to 4 inches long.

The evergreen foliage is quite dense and attractive. Individual leaves are normally green and display a glossy upper surface with the under-surface a pale green. Leaves on young trees may be 10-12" long and deeply lobed. On older trees leaves are smaller and less lobed or not lobed at all. Very little leaf drop.

The bark is light brown and smooth. The fruit is a dark grey-brown follicle, 5-10cm long and more than 2cm wide.

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